Glen Andresen shared his monthly Pollen & Nectar report. Glen took us through annuals, perennials, shrubs, vines and flowering trees that are contributing to this year’s record honey flow. For a more detailed report check out bridgetownbees.com for Glen’s monthly “What’s in bloom” report. And please email Glen with any photos and/or suggestions of other good honey bee plants.
Our featured speaker was Washington State Master Beekeeper Morris Ostrofsky, who explored best practices for varroa mite control. Morris’ passion for teaching and beekeeping becomes apparent when he shares his knowledge with others. An interest in genetics and queen rearing has led to a quest to breed locally adapted, treatment free bees using the Miller Method. Below is his presentation.
Tuesday’s PUB booth at Pioneer Courthouse Square had a great turnout of both PUB members and public visitors. The weather cooperated 90% of the time and lots of people were out and about during the lunch hour, stopping by and learning about bees and Tour de Hives.
We’re less than 10 days from Tour De Hives 2016 which is the weekend of June 25-26! This is our yearly fundraiser and PUB’s best opportunity to introduce Portlanders to the art and science of beekeeping. Tickets now on sale here so please spread the word to all your friends.