Queen Day at the Apiary! May, 19, 2024We learned how bees raise queens.We practiced queen marking on drones.We tried lots of different marking methods.Lots of colorful drones by the time we were done!
When we arrived at the apiary on April 21, 2024, we learned that this swarm had been hanging on the outside of the only deadout in the apiary for 5 days! We got out another hive and moved these into it. Once we had the outside cleared, we looked in this hive to see what was going on. The hive had 20 frames full of bees! Best guess is that it was a massive swarm that didn’t fit so they started building wax outside the hive too. October 1, 2023: End of the season pizza party. We made our own pizzas in the outdoor, woodfire pizza oven at Green Anchors!September, 2023, Hive IQ donated a poly-hive to Portland Urban Beekeepers to test it out. We put a small, weak colony in it to see if they would overwinter better in the higher insulation. UPDATE: March, 2024. The colony overwintered and is off to a strong start this spring!Summer, 2023 Pollinator garden at Green Anchors is in full bloom!Results of PUB’s first queen rearing workshop! May, 2023Learning Apiary at Green Anchors. 2022