July 2022

I’ve never been so happy and grateful for the lovely Linden trees. A wet Spring, lasting up until July finally gave way to gorgeous summer sun just in time for the Linden trees to bloom across NE Portland. This is a major source of nectar for inner NE bees. Last year, the trees bloomed just as the 115-degree weather hit for a week which quickly dried up the trees, leaving my primary hive to begin eating its stores mid-summer. This year the supers are bursting with lots of time left to fill their brood chambers. Meanwhile, other hives 2 miles away are barely filling supers, unaware of the bounty nearby. I love this cyclical pace to beekeeping – there are years that give and years that take and every year is a little bit different.

PUB is hoping to reinstate some sort of honey tasting or in-person social event to close out the year and we hope to see you there!

June 2022

OK, by now I was pretty sure we’d be on the verge of complaining about how hot it was getting outside, but that sure isn’t happening. In Portland, everything is blooming as it should, but this summer will probably go on record as feeling very short. About this time, I’m always reminded of how the bees are already starting the glide into winter – they’re noticing the days getting shorter – all while we’re gearing up for peak summer fun.

Besides Bee Days, many in PUB have missed opportunities to hang out with each other and swap stories and questions. PUB decided to hold a Meet and Greet evening in mid-June to try to capture some of the feeling of meetings in the “before times”. We didn’t count it as a monthly meeting (because people are super attached to their monthly zoom meetings) but it was nice to get together and it’s likely we’ll make these events part of our new normal.

Our June meeting was full of interesting information. After an overview of plants in bloom, Brian Fackler taught us how to use an Epi Pen (on an orange!) and provided useful medical information and tips for beekeepers who work in remote areas. Our meeting featured Dr. Dewey Caron talking about all things Queens. It was a great meeting, with a good turnout and lots of interesting discussion and questions. PUB is wishing all of you a wonderful summer!

January 2022

It’s hard to believe another year has passed! Hopefully your bees are healthy and tucked up nicely for the winter. PUB is seeing significant changes to its Board of Directors this year. A number of positions were open to include President and Vice President and some folks shifted to different positions. PUB is very grateful for the work Cheryl Wright put into PUB these past two years as President. She shepherded us through the transition to online and continued to keep our disparate community connected. Mandy Shaw is also moving on – as past President and current Treasurer she has been a strong driver of PUB – bringing wonderful speakers, working with Cheryl to set up our new apiary at Green Anchors and so many other things behind the scenes. Ian Horvath, a Portland-based beekeeper has agreed to step into the position of President and Jana Patterson will bring Board experience to the position of VP. We look forward to a new year of bee education and community engagement with them at the helm!

Unfortunately, we decided not to have our in-person honey tasting this year. It just felts like the virus hadn’t quite settled down enough to have it and of course we’re deep in Omicron now. Hopefully next year things will move towards a new normal. Our November speaker was Bill Hesbach, a master beekeeper from Cheshire, Connecticut who spoke with us about winter insulation. He theorizes insulated hives better mimic the natural conditions found in tree hives and recommends R7-R10 insulation on the top and sides without ventilation. While our conditions here in the PNW are certainly different than in Connecticut, the theories and science behind it are very compelling. We’ll see you back on-screen in January!

October 2021

After this long, dry summer, it’s nice to see bees still finding sources of pollen and nectar. While inspecting my hive the other day I saw a bee packed full with a bright orange pollen; and thanks to a mid-summer pruning and consistent watering, I eked out a second bloom on my lavender, which the girls are loving! 

On the other hand, I have another hive that is not doing particularly well. During my last inspection, I went in to add Hopguard 3 and saw mostly spotty brood and random larvae. The bees were incredibly defensive (as are all my hives these days, even the usually sweet ones!) so I buttoned it up quickly. But as I thought on it for the rest of the week, I contemplated my options. I’ll go back in this weekend to dig into the bottom box and see how she is laying down there – maybe I’ll reduce to one brood box and continue to feed syrup and pollen. Maybe I’ll need to hunt down a new queen.  As I write this, I’m also thinking about my bee mentor who has a hive which has killed 6 queens this season! They are a grumpy bunch and his options are narrowing quickly.  All this to say – it’s the joy and frustration of being a beekeeper and these situations highlight how much creativity is required.  

PUB’s September meeting featured Dr. Dewey Caron who spoke about defensive and Africanized bees (and how to tell the difference). While there are parts of Washington and Oregon in which they’ve been found, we’re fortunate to be largely out of their geographical zone (for now!).  Enjoy the cooler evenings and we’ll see you at the OSBA conference!  

September 2021

I can’t believe we’re heading into Fall – it feels like just yesterday we were amazed and relieved to be finally transitioning to 2021. PUB is excited to be back in its apiary for member work parties, and our manager has great plans for the next few months.  For its August meeting, PUB hosted Dr. Sam Ramsey who gave us an informative and entertaining talk on a new mite which beekeepers need to be aware of: Tropilaelaps mercedesae aka Tropi mite.  This mite has not yet reached the US, but it’s really just a matter of time until it has. First identified in SE Asia, it’s officially now beyond Asia and spreading even faster than Varroa spread. Unfortunately, the mite has a more robust genetic code, they are incredibly fast movers, their feeding causes more damage to larvae than Varroa and they reproduce significantly faster, too.  Are you nervous yet? Thankfully, scientists like Dr. Ramsey are already working to establish treatment options and focusing on education to increase awareness and identification.  

Due to the Delta variant, we’ve decided to hold off on committing to our December in-person honey tasting – hopefully things will settle down in the next few months and we can put it back on the calendar. Til then, we enjoy mingling at the apiary and feel fortunate that events like the Oregon State Fair could happen once again.  

August 2021

You can imagine my surprise recently, sitting at about 6,500 feet up on the side of Mt. Saint Helens, to turn my head towards a clump of flowers next to me and see a lovely bee buzzing around its blooms. Impressive I thought, to come all this way up, as there weren’t many options for it up there. Then a few moments later, a hummingbird did some flybys past my head and I couldn’t fathom why a hummingbird would be so far up, though I was wearing a deep pink t-shirt. But all that seemed reasonable compared to seeing three different pollinators (a wasp which landed on my finger, some kind of bumblebee, and another bee) at the very top of the mountain, 8,360 ft up with only pumice and rock in sight. The bumblebee appeared to float on the drafts the way a bird might do, except that its wings were beating feverishly and it hovered in place for several minutes, almost like it was enjoying it (I know, a bit anthropomorphic). I did some research when I was back at sea level, and learned bees can fly quite well up to 13,000 feet and even higher on occasions. Still, it was quite a treat to see and only further exemplified their remarkable qualities. 

In July, PUB hosted Chris Corich as its speaker and he presented a fantastic talk on log hives. He explained his process for making them, different techniques he uses, how he monitors for mites and provides food. It was accompanied by outstanding photography and resources for finding more information. Be sure to check out the video of his talk, if you missed it.  

PUB will continue to meet virtually on Zoom through November 2021, and we will host our annual honey tasting in person at the Friends of Multnomah community center on Stark St. December 1, 2021. We think that Zoom has been a successful and popular alternative to in-person meetings as our recording analytics show that we are getting more than 100 views after posting the link online, as well as emailing to each member. In 2022 we are looking for new board members/officers and have put the call out for those interested in president, vice president and treasurer. We continue to closely monitor our hives as we head into fall, and in the Portland area we’re well into dearth, but we have a plan for both feeding and mite management. Enjoy the last of summer! 

July 2021

Being that we’re past Solstice and Independence Day, we’re officially deep into summer. I’m always taken aback a bit when I see a graph of the life cycle of a summer hive and realize that as we humans are gearing up for our peak summer activity, the bees are beginning their slow glide into Fall. It takes some attention to recognize their cycles are not quite in sync with ours. Our days leading into June have been a mixed bag of cool, warm, hot and rain. As always, we’re hoping for wonderful weather to compliment blackberry blossoms and (selfishly for myself) linden tree bloom which are in abundance in my neighborhood.  

Our June meeting featured Dr. Ramesh Sagili, who talked about Varroa management. Our club has committed to continue Zoom meetings through the rest of this year but we’re going to start work parties at our club apiary towards the end of July.  The socialization will be so welcome! We’re also looking forward to getting a detailed read-out of our Honeybee Survey results from Dr. Dewey Canon. Initial readouts were that our hive losses were fairly consistent with last year’s results.  PUB wishes you all a fun-filled summer and may your honey supers be filled early this year.  

June 2021

Hard to believe we’re halfway through the year and already into peak bee season! The Portland metro area is popping with color and lush green leaves and wonderful floral scents. Wisteria and rosemary are in full bloom, the horse chestnuts are coming as we say goodbye to pears and apple blossoms. Last year, I planted an area of my apiary with Botanical Interests brand of a pollinator flower seed mix.  It is trying to come back this year, though I noticed it is currently dominated by a fast-spreading euphorbia. Poppies and borage are also making the scene and hopefully won’t get too crowded out. Might be time for some “weeding”. 

The best of the swarm season is closing and as of this writing PUB has collected 77 swarm reports, up for grabs for our 184 registered users. Our May meeting featured Max Kuhn who spoke to us about brood breaks for varroa mite management. Max has 15 years of beekeeping experience, is a master level student in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program and developed a unique method to cage the queen on a frame, probably familiar to most Oregon clubs. The system is a form of hive brood break, which uses a queen excluder screen to restrict the queen to one frame.  The queen continues to lay on this frame.  After 9 days, when all the other brood in the hive has hatched, her eggs/brood is the only game in town and the mites are drawn to that frame which is later removed. He has provided most clubs with instructions on this technique and it’s more one tool in our toolbox for effective alternative for mite control.   

May 2021

It’s official, the bee season has begun…multiple attempts to procure an extra inner hive cover the other day were met with “out of stock” and “check back next week.” By now, many of us have received our new bees. But as I write this, it has not yet happened and I am counting down the days to when I pick up my packages. Having lost my hives over the winter, I miss the bees. I miss doing spring checks and watching for swarm cells. I miss watching them react to the warm sunny mornings and looking at the different colors of pollen coming in. It’s a wonderful feeling, really. I see it as an affirmation of what beekeeping means to me and the value I place in being a steward of their species. Until then, I’ll watch others do their inspections and tidy my shed and clean my equipment for their new tenants, grateful for the space that will be created when the boxes and supers go back to work. 

Our April meeting featured Dr. Dewey Caron who reviewed Spring management – splits, swarms, feeding – all the classics. So many good reminders and new ideas, he is such a rich source of experience and knowledge. We’ve decided to keep our meetings directed to more experienced beekeepers and it’s worked out well. Our online Beekeeping 101 class is a great way to serve new beekeepers but keeping more advanced beekeepers engaged via our monthly meetings has remained a priority. One great side benefit of Zoom meetings is the dialogue that happens amongst members in the chat box – don’t you think? It’s added an unexpected dimension to the meetings for folks to pose questions, links to more resources, explanations of something the speaker said, even jokes. Just one more way for us to connect and share!

April 2021

Who isn’t loving these warmer days? We’re happily watching our bees zip back and forth from parts known and unknown or we’re anticipating the arrival of our bees (or both!). Either way, the Spring is a harbinger of finer days to come. 

PUB was fortunate to hear from its own Mandy Shaw at our March meeting. Many of you know Mandy as the creator and producer of the podcast Beekeeper Confidential and she gave us an overview of swarm catching – showed informative videos and provided stories and lots of tips and tricks for success in both collecting and baiting swarms. 

For a few months now, PUB has been surveying its members regarding whether members would like to reconvene in person or continue our meetings on Zoom, after the pandemic. We’ve heard from about half our membership and so far the votes are 2:1 in favor of remaining on Zoom. It seems the convenience of participating in a meeting while in our pajamas is too good to pass up!  PUB is now looking at ways to augment those with in-person social events, which we all know is an important part of our community development. PUB is hoping to start work parties at its apiary in June and we’re considering hosting quarterly gatherings at local pubs for informal sharing and mingling. 

Many thanks to our members who developed and created a virtual Bee Buddy system on our web page. Now potential mentors and mentees are able to connect through our website and find another beekeeper to pair up with, learn from, and teach. If you’re a beekeeper in the Portland area, join in!

February 2021

It always feels like such a tease when the warm weather of random February days drops into our lives. I can’t help but think maybe an early Spring is upon us and start looking for crocuses. I do see my tulips starting to come up, so it can’t be that far away.  

Before we go any further, I need to give a shout-out to our OSBA 2020 Conference speaker and 2020 American Honey Queen, Mary Reisinger. In her presentation, she highlighted her family’s banana bread recipe which uses honey instead of sugar. When I found 11(!) frozen bananas in my freezer the other day, I knew it was time. The results were delicious and I wanted to share a link to her recipe here:  Substitute Honey for Sugar in Your Favorite Recipes 

PUB was so fortunate to hear from Dr. Tom Seeley for our February meeting, speaking about Darwinian Beekeeping. This evolutionary approach to beekeeping focuses on reproducing conditions the bees have in nature. Small hives, minimal manipulation, swarm promotion, low honey production are all aspects to this fascinating approach. There are some real challenges to working this method in an urban environment where other colonies and beekeeper methods can intersect, collide and contradict. I couldn’t help but think of the discipline such an approach requires: resisting honey production, euthanizing mite loaded colonies, encouraging brood breaks – all of the things that go against the lauded goals of increased brood expansion and honey production. At the same time, I appreciated his reinforcing the idea that all the ways of keeping bees are valid, just different. His talk made many of us think about why we do what we do when it comes to our bees. By taking the time to really think about what our individual goals are related to beekeeping, the better beekeepers we have the potential to be. 

January 2021

Wow! How did we get through that one?! With 2020 safely behind us, we begin to plan for Spring. For many of us, this is the time to plan our hives, order bees, and figure out where on our property we’re going to squeeze in just one more hive…. 

The Fall in the Portland area felt comparably mild this year– lots of sunny days that had the bees flying and still bringing in pollen. Our November meeting featured information from the research of Paul Stamets and his Fungi Perfecti team who collaborate with University of Washington researchers. The possibilities fungi hold for bee health are really exciting. They include increased capacity for bees to fight off viruses and best of all, high toxicity to mites. Hopefully, easy access to treatments and food additives will be available soon, especially as these products may appeal to beekeepers who are hesitant to use other types of mite treatments.  

In December, Dewey Caron hosted a Zoom honey tasting.  December is traditionally the month we gather and do a blind tasting of 30+ samples of PUB members’ honey samples and vote on our favorites. This year, not willing to completely give that up, the club opted to share samples of 5 different local and famous types of honey,  and have Dewey walk us through how to appreciate each sample. Just like wine, there’s a universal language that can be used to describe honey. PUB members had a lot of fun learning how to really smell and taste the different honey samples.  Some of the tastes and aromas included “leather”, “asphalt”, “coconut”, “marshmallow”, “spicy”, “hops”, and “licorice” or “anise” – sometimes for the same honey! Which just goes to show we’re each our own best judge, and it’s no wonder we all think our own honey is the very best of all.

I know it’s too early to feel nostalgic for 2020 – the bright light at the end of the tunnel is finally not an oncoming train – but I have to think we’ll look back on it at some point and think about what we came through and it will make us all the more grateful for what we have. And hopefully 2021 will have us hunched over frames, shoulder to shoulder, looking for that ever-elusive Queen. 

October 2020

Where did the year go?! It’s hard to believe it traveled at the same pace as last year and the year before. In such a chaotic year, it’s nice to contemplate the simplicity of the bees; their daily lives guided by the movement of the sun and the drum of the rain, all of which come and go. For many people, bee stewardship is a meditative and peaceful part of their lives and in winter we must let our thoughts go to spring where we can start again in a fresh new year. Fall, too, is marked by new blooms which herald the transition into cooler weather – sunflowers, asters, sedums are all coming into their time as are fall crops such as broccoli, squash and radishes. 

There is ongoing chatter about mites (is there ever NOT chatter about mites?) and that they may be particularly bad this year. Several PUB members treated their hives, only to still encounter high mite loads. This may require extra attention this winter to ensure survival and it will be interesting to see how PUB colonies fare come spring 2021. 

We were fortunate to have Dr. Andony Melathopoulos of the Oregon Bee Project at OSU join us for our October meeting. He gave us a preview of his talk at the OSBA conference, on native bees. His focus was on the relationship between native bees and honeybees and whether honeybees have a negative effect on native bees. One of these areas is forage competition, and whether honeybees crowd out native bees from flowers they would typically visit. Studies are still ongoing, but one of the ways people can support native bee populations is by having a variety of flower forms because different bees frequent different shaped flowers. The Oregon Bee Project website is full of great information and highlights ways to get involved in the preservation of native species – check it out! 

September 2020

The Portland area rolled into September with high heat and no rain in sight.  These were likely the last weeks of dry weather before we start to see Fall rains arrive. These can be busy times for beekeepers, readying their hives for the deep Fall and Winter. Our last monthly meeting was full of practical advice! Mandy Shaw, who has served PUB since 2016 provided helpful reminders to the group on how to best prepare. This is a critical time for the developing nurse bees, who will go on to raise our winter bees, who will in turn, raise our spring bees! Three important factors at this time are mite management, providing nutritional support in the form of syrup and pollen patties and equalizing hives for colony strength. At the same meeting we also hosted Ben Sallmann of the Bee Informed Partnership. He shared details on the life cycle of the Varroa mite which we all know to be quite a formidable foe. He recommended spanning mite treatments across a couple of weeks so the treatment kills phoretic mites as well as the ones that hatch out in the following days and weeks with new bees. The Partnership conducts extensive research on mite testing and found alcohol wash tests resulted in 95% of the mites being accounted for. With a sugar roll, only 60% of the mites were dislodged, a discrepancy which could have a significant effect on your treatment decisions. With regard to treatment, Partnership research showed Apivar works better in Spring and will not be very effective on high mite loads. For thymol, two smaller treatments are more effective than one long one. It might kill some open brood, but it’s ok, the queen will fill it out. Formic acid works well for high mite loads but can kill brood/queen in hot weather. Oxalic acid is very effective on high mite loads and is particularly effective in winter. Sallmann recommended a dose of 35g oxalic crystals in 1L of 1:1 sugar syrup and with 5ml dripped in between the frames, as a one time treatment. His recommendation for OA vaporization was that the smoke should be billowing out and under-dosing is a common problem. Vaporization is also best in late Fall through Spring, several days apart. Now get out there and prep those hives!

March 2025 Presentation

Mandy Shaw

Mandy is a longtime beekeeper who maintains a number of different hives with an emphasis on bee health and nutrition. She is a former PUB President, podcaster, and owner of Bella Beek (beekeeping suits, veils, and supplies).


March Gather & Blather!

Please join us for an informal get together for coffee, tea and lots of talk about bees. No formal agenda. You do not have to be a member to attend. We’ve reserved a large table and will have a new game available to play!
New beekeepers come with your questions! Seasoned beekeepers come with answers!
Saturday March 29th: Gather and Blather @10:30 AM 12:30PM
The Paladins League
Map https://maps.app.goo.gl/BfA4xdkMxmQ69ms1A?g_st=ic
4765 NE Fremont Street
Portland, OR 97213
Menu is here

February 2025 Presentation

Dead Bees Don’t Make Honey

with Theresa Martin

Theresa Martin comes to us from Williamsburg, Kentucky. She is a Cornell University Master Beekeeper, author, and founder of Little Wolf Nature Preserve. With six years of experience managing 20–25 colonies, she has achieved high survival rates and strong production by following the model of how bees survive in the wild, employing integrated pest management, and providing high support yet low intervention. Theresa serves as President of the Whitley County Beekeepers Association and sits on the Board of Directors for the Kentucky State Beekeepers Association. Previously, she worked in IT and operations management at Fidelity Investments and Procter & Gamble.

link to recording (coming shortly)


Mite Numbers Lower in Dispersed Colonies
Nolan, M.P. IV & Delaplane, K.S. (2017). Distance between honey bee Apis mellifera colonies regulates populations of Varroa destructor at a landscape scale.
Apidologie 48: 8-16.

Winter Management Hesbach, W. (2016, Oct 21).

Condensing Colony Hesbach, W.
https://bluetoad.com/publication/?i=646365&article id=3579902&view=articleBrowser

Darwinian Black Box
Blacquière, T., Boot, W., Calis, J. et al. (2019).
Darwinian black box selection for resistance to settled invasive Varroa destructor parasites in honey bees. Biol Invasions 21, 2519-2528.

Varroa IMP Practices Compared
Cameron J Jack, James D Ellis, Integrated Pest Management Control of Varroa destructor (Acari: Varroidae), the Most Damaging Pest of (Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)Colonies, Journal of Insect Science, Volume 21, Issue 5, September 2021, 6,

BIP Best Management Practices Kulhanek, K. et al. (2021). Survey-derived best management practices for backyard beekeepers improve colony health and reduce mortality

The Lives of Bees – The Untold Story of the Honey Bee in the Wild by Thomas D. Seeley

Bee Informed Partnership

Honey Bee Health Coalition

Bee Immune Systems

Propolis Envelope
Cynthia R L Hodges, C. R. et al. (2019, April). Textured Hive Interiors Increase Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) Propolis-Hoarding Behavior, Journal of Economic Entomology,
Volume 112, Issue 2, April 2019, Pages 986-990,

Hive Spacing
Dynes, T.L., Berry J.A., Delaplane K.S., Brosi, B.J., & de Roode, J.C. (2019). Reduced density and visually complex apiaries reduce parasite load and promote honey production and overwintering survival in honey bees. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216286

Management Practices Improves Survival and Productivity
Underwood, R.M., Lawrence, B.L., Turley, N.E. et al. A longitudinal experiment demonstrates that honey bee colonies managed
organically are as healthy and productive as those managed conventionally. Sci Rep 13, 6072 (2023).

Swarming Benefits, Hive Size
Loftus JC, Smith ML, Seeley TD. (2016, Mar 11). How Honey Bee Colonies Survive in the Wild: Testing the Importance of Small Nests and Frequent Swarming.
PLoS One. 11(3):e0150362. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150362.
PMID: 26968000; PMCID: PMC4788434.

Broodminder T2SM Temperature Sensor

Honey Better for Bees than Syrup
Bugarova V, Godocikova J, Bucekova M, Brodschneider R, Majtan J. (2021). Effects of the Carbohydrate Sources Nectar, Sucrose and Invert Sugar on Antibacterial Activity of Honey and Bee-Processed Syrups. Antibiotics. 10(8):985.

Swarm Cell Eggs Larger
Yu L, Shi X, He X, Zeng Z, Yan W, Wu X. (2022 May 23). High-Quality Queens Produce High-Quality Offspring Queens. Insects,
13(5):486. doi:10.3390/insects13050486. PMID: 35621820; PMCID: PMC9146148.

This week in the bees

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« of 2 »

November 2024 Presentation

Vitellogenin Presentation

Charlie Vanden Heuvel

Charlie began his beekeeping experience when his ‘frustrated farmer’ father brought two hives to our El Paso Texas residence. Observing them in their coming and goings nurtured the love for these girls. Most interesting was when the girls would hang on our screen door waiting to enter the house to acquire nectar and pollen from our Bougainvillea vines. They would then go back to the screen door once again wait for someone to allow their return to the hive. Just like a dog or cat would, but far more patient.

As an avid researcher, multiple articles were written propelled by involvement in the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program. Attaining his Journey Level Certification in 2018. Charlie also traveled to Nebraska for Michael Bush’s Bee Camp this spring to immerse for two weeks in apiaries and bee discussions with Michael Bush.

He is a member of four Beekeeping Clubs in the Portland Metropolitan area as well as state, regional and national bee organizations. The beginning of 2016 we had three hives which rapidly grew to fifteen along with multiple NUCS.  Presentations in schools has been a great opportunity to share our joy of these lovelies. Not only do the children eagerly devour the presentations, but we have been filled with joy through our sharing.

For more follow his work http://bg-bees.com

January 2025 Presentation

How Bees use Sound/Vibrations to Communicate

  • Paul Longwell
    • Cornell University Master Beekeeper
    • Montana University Master Beekeeper
    • Washington State Master Beekeeper

Paul first developed his interest in bees at a young age while watching the commercial beekeepers’ hives on his aunt’s farm in Yamhill Oregon. After a long career serving in the Army and as a public employee, his love and interest in keeping and working with bees raised back to the forefront in 2008.Paul first developed his interest in bees at a young age while watching the commercial beekeepers’ hivesPaul first developed his interest in bees at a young age while watching the commercial beekeepers’ hives on his aunt’s farm in Yamhill Oregon. After a long career serving in the Army and as a public employee, his love and interest in keeping and working with bees raised back to the forefront in 2008.

An avid beekeeper and member of the Olympia Beekeepers Association, Paul enjoys teaching and sharing his love of bees. As a Montana and Washington state master beekeeper, Paul has gained experience in both Langstroth, Top-Bar and Slovenian AZ hives. He noticed how the local maritime winter weather influenced his honeybees and beehive losses. Paul’s research for solutions lead him to better understand the Slovenian bee houses and AZ hives. Discovering better honeybee health and longevity, Paul converted a storage building into a bee house and installed several AZ-type hives.

Additional Details

Paul actively shares his knowledge by giving beekeeping presentations in-person, during podcasts and Zoom classes. He has taught several beekeeping classes for the Washington State Beekeeping Association, including the apprenticeship course to inmates at Cedar Creek Prison. Paul also serves as one of the clubs’ mentors to new beekeepers. He serves on the Thurston County Fairgrounds and Event Center board.

Along with his wife Penny Longwell who is a master gardener, they co-developed the Pollinator demonstration garden at the Thurston County Fairgrounds and Event Center. They also offer pollinator classes for the local Master Gardener Interns.


1.Response characteristics of vibration-sensitive interneurons related to Johnston’s organ in the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Hiroyuki Ai, Jürgen Rybak, Randolf Menzel, Tsunao Itoh. First published: 06 May 2009 https://doi.org/10.1002/cne.22042

2.  Transmission Of Vibration Across Honeycombs and Its Detection By Bee Leg Receptors, D. C. Sandeman, J. Tautz, M. Lindauer J Exp Biol (1996) 199 (12): 2585–2594. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.199.12.2585

3.  The vibration signal, modulatory communication and the organization of labor in honeybees, Apis mellifera. Stanley S. Schneider and Lee A. Lewis Apidologie 35 (2004) 117-131.  https://doi.org/10.1051/apido:2004006

4.  Relationship between Relative Hive Entrance Position and Dance Floor Location (2014). Corrigan, Chelsea E., Undergraduate Honors Theses. Paper 474. https://dc.etsu.edu/honors/474

5.  The Use of the Vibration Signal and Worker Piping to Influence Queen Behavior during Swarming in Honey Bees, Apis mellifera. Pierce, A.L., Lewis, L.A. and Schneider, S.S. (2007), Ethology, 113: 267-275. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0310.2006.01314.x

6.  32 Vibratory and Airborne-Sound Signals in Bee Communication (Hymenoptera) https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268000846_32_Vibratory_and_Airborne-Sound_Signals_in_Bee_Communication_Hymenoptera

7.  Sound and vibrational signals in the dance language of the honeybee, Apis mellifera. Michelsen, A., Kirchner, W.H. & Lindauer, M.  Behav Ecol Sociobiol 18, 207–212 (1986). https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00290824

8.  Influences of queen piping and worker behaviour on the timing of emergence of honeybee queens. H.J. Grooters Insectes Sociaux, 1987, Vol. 34, No. 3, 181-193 https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02224083

9.  On the Importance of the Sound Emitted by Honey Bee Hives, by Alessandro Terenzi †ORCID,Stefania Cecchi *,†ORCID and Susanna Spinsante †ORCID, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, Universitá Politecnica Delle Marche, 60131 Ancona, Italy Vet. Sci. 2020, 7(4), 168; https://doi.org/10.3390/vetsci7040168

Audio clips from the presentation

Quacking alone
Tooting alone

Swarm Report 2022