Mission Statement

Portland Urban Beekeepers is a non-profit organization of beekeepers that provides community, advocacy, and education for those interested in raising honey bees and supporting their presence in the environment.

PUB is an official chapter of the Oregon State Beekeepers Association.

PUB participates in the PNW Honey Bee Survey and it’s open now! Click here to report your overwintering status – it helps track trends and contributes to community understanding of best practices. Pacific North West annual loss survey is the region’s historic bee loss survey mixed with the technology from generation X, a grass roots attempt to make a difference with our combined experience and knowledge in backyard beekeeping.

Gather & Blather

Gather & Blather is an informal way beekeepers and pollinator afficianados can get together for casual chat about all things bees! We try to meet monthly at a local coffee shop and there is no agenda to these meetings and you don’t have to be a member! It’s simply a fun, casual way to create more community. Click HERE for information about the next Gather & Blather!

Monthly Club Meetings

Monthly meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month from 7:00 – 9:00pm, in-person and over Zoom. Meeting dates and times can be found on the PUB Calendar. Meeting announcements and Zoom link will be sent out to to subscribers of our mailing list via email a week before the meeting and we let people know on our Facebook page.

Our meetings are open to members and non-members alike. We invite everyone to join our club and help us support the bees and beekeepers of the Portland area.

Meetings usually include: an update of club activities, announcements and reports on local events or activities, Q&A sessions, and guest speakers on bee related topics such as: swarms, new beekeepers, disease prevention methods, general health of bees, types of hives, and preparing the colony for different seasons.


Please join us for our April 2025 club meeting:

  • Who: Judy Scher – Judy has been an urban beekeeper in Eugene, OR for 23 years.  She is a past president of Lane County Beekeepers Association and worked on the Oregon Master Beekeeper planning committee. She is especially fascinated by the biology of honey bees, plays banjo and loves cats. 
  • What: Spring Management – everything you need to know about shepherding your bees towards a successful summer
  • When:  Wednesday, April 2nd @ 7PM
  • Where: In-Person @ Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse, 4312 SE Stark St, Portland, OR 97215 and on Zoom (link emailed prior to meeting)

Did you miss our previous meetings?  Click the links below to watch now!


Annual Membership

Individual – $25
Join Today!

Still thinking about it but want to join our mailing list?

Membership includes but is not limited to:

  • Use of group purchased equipment
  • Swarm list registration
  • Participation in group meeting raffles
  • Free ads in PUB Classifieds
  • Special group activities, events
  • Access to club library
  • Being a member of a great community of beekeepers in the Portland area

AFB/EFB Task Force

Portland and surrounding areas have recently seen cases of American Foulbrood (AFB) and European Foulbrood (EFB). In light of this, PUB created a specially trained task force that will come to your hives, perform an inspection, and conduct a field test if indicated. If your colonies are failing to thrive, have an odd odor or poor brood pattern, please click on this AFB/EFB survey and complete the form. Based on your ZIP code, a PUB inspector will come out and inspect your hive. If we use one or both of the field tests, we would ask for a donation to cover the cost of the test, which is $20 for one, or $40 for both tests. We will also leave the beekeeper with an AFB/EFB fact sheet. There are no laws in Oregon that stipulate reporting or specific remedies. This is strictly an educational endeavor. PUB has purchased the AFB/EFB field test kits in bulk, so if you do not want an inspection, but you want to purchase a field test, we can provide those for your use.